Month: March 2016

  • How To Survive And Thrive In Your First Youth Ministry Job

    Update: A more refined version of this article can be found at: There is nothing quite like being young, idealistic, and naive.  Let’s face it, this is a fair way to describe most people in their first full time job out of college (or at least when it’s in their intended career path).  Despite…

  • Epic… an incredible retreat weekend!

    Photos by Jane. The music in this video is “Spirit over the water” by Har Megiddo Epic 2016 HD from Dave Wright on Vimeo.

  • Convention Presentation

    Most years I get the opportunity to speak to all delegates and clergy from all the churches in our diocese. This year was no different. Here was my message to the diocese: We read in Judges chapter 2 about the death of Joshua and subsequently the passing of those who served under his leadership. We…

  • Experiencing Psalm 133

    What a joy it is to work with people who share your core values and are humble! So often in creating youth retreats there are variables that can change the dynamics of the weekend. Will the speaker deliver the messages that were asked for? Will the musicians provide the most suitable song selection?  Will the…

  • Lent

    “Can you do a Lent series for us?” the headmaster of a prestigious private school asked me. Being so eager for the opportunity to speak at the school, I quickly agreed to speak in school assemblies for 4 weeks. Two factors fueled my enthusiasm.  One was that the student body was largely (and by that…


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