Month: June 2015

  • Cranmer & youth ministry

    I meant to post this more than 6 months ago…What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies. According to Dr. Ashley Null, this is a key part of the theology of Thomas Cranmer.  Dr. Null is an expert on Cranmer who also teaches church history. If this phrase is true, and it…

  • Summer Reading & Missions

    Years ago I wanted to take a group of teens to Russia where my church was starting a seminary.  I thought it would be really cool if we could help renovate the buildings they had bought for the seminary.  My pastor emphatically said no.  I was shocked.  He then explained that we can send a…

  • I Gave Her Away

    It was the most amazing day! My little girl, now 24 years old, no longer bears our last name.  I walked her down the aisle and gave her hand to a wonderful man of God.  They exchanged vows and now my little girl is the new Mrs James Sral. It is stunning to think about.…

  • Lessons Learned As A Rookie (2)

    The continuation of advice for that first youth ministry position.  Of course this stuff is timeless, meaning it is very relevant all along one’s ministry. Establish good habits and patterns early. The first impressions we make on people will last longer than we care to admit. Habits and patterns we develop early are more likely…


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