Month: September 2014

  • Garlic, Onions, & Inerrancy

    The challenge of eating at an Italian restaurant when your body does not like garlic and onions is no laughing matter. Neither is the significance of ones view of scripture. So my friend asks the waitress “what dishes do not have onion or garlic?”  She thought he merely did not like those ingredients. I tried…

  • Five Keys To Understanding Generation Z

    Martin Saunders, former editor of Youthwork magazine in the UK, has written a great article on understanding the current generation of teens.  It’s worth reading the details behind these. 1) They’re highly connected ‘digital natives’ 2) They want to change the world 3) They’re worried about the future 4) They embody diversity 5) They’re more…

  • U2, Photobombs, & Selfies

    Recently I was thinking about photobombs and selfies.  I am sure some people thought these originated with the age of Facebook, social media, and digital technology in general.  They did not.  Intentional photobombs and selfies have been around far longer.  Humor me while I share. Before digital photography, while on youth trips, we had some…

  • The No Prep Plan

    There have been a few times in my career that I went to youth group without being prepared.  “What”? You say.  “Hypocrite! You just posted on always being prepared.”  No.  It was a rare time and I did have a plan. the idea came from a close friend and mentor in youth ministry – one…

  • How To Be A Professional Youth Minister

    Each new school year when our programs start again, I think about what it means to be a professional youth minister. The term professional in this context is simply a designation for those paid to serve rather than those who are volunteers heading up a youth group. Professional youth ministers face a unique set of…

  • Mondo is coming up! (click to view video)

  • Intergenerational Ideas

    Found a helpful article over at Morf that gives five good ideas for making a youth ministry more intergenerational. They include: 1. Invite parents and grandparents to join us in service opportunities.2. Set up events designed to speak to all generations.3. Sharing life experiences.4. All-play events.5. Weekly emails to our parents letting them know what…


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