Month: August 2013

  • taking this a bit tongue in cheek but it really makes a point…

  • Thinking Theologically in Youth Ministry

    I’ve run across a great example of thinking theologically in youth ministry on a blog post written by a guy who grew up in one of the youth groups in our diocese.  He is now serving as a youth minister in another part of our state.  Not only does he engage theology, but he looks…

  • Losing our religion

    Much has been written suggesting that students go off to college and lose their faith.  I am sure there is much to this but there is also another perspective which has been written about at TGC Professor Smith observes three primary and very interesting reasons why the university is not the faith-shredder we imagine it…

  • Youth and worship music

    One of the issues I run across in youth ministry is how we do worship music with students.  I am keenly aware that what we do with them today will impact the way they perceive worship music in the future.  I ran across a Gospel Coalition Blog piece that linked to this article which made…


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