Month: November 2012

  • Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of thy brightness. Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of thy wisdom. All our desire is known unto thee, therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy Spirit has awakened us to…

  • My head hurts!

    I reflected previously on my thoughts as this ecclesiastical mess emerged last month.  One of the realities that I explored is the loss of identity experienced in all this.  My own part of that is somewhat unique as I mentioned.  However, as things continue to play out, my head has started to spin even faster. …

  • Connecting Preaching and Youth Ministry

    I cringe when I hear a youth pastor speak of “preaching” to the youth group, or refer to giving a sermon to the youth group. It at first blush strikes me as too “churchy” for good youth ministry. It goes against the grain of my understanding of the relational nature of youth ministry. I also…

  • Nov Encounter Slideshow from Dave Wright on Vimeo.


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