Month: March 2011

  • Wes Leonard – Sudden Death

    My wife drew my attention to this news story before it went national. It has bearing on her because of family connections. The student who was the star Basketball player that died on the court from an enlarged heart just after shooting the winning point to finish a perfect season and head into playoffs, was…

  • A full review of “Love Wins”

    Tim Challies has a review of the full book “Love Wins” on his blog now. He received an advanced copy of the book for review purposes. Questions matter. They can help you to grow deeper in your knowledge of the truth and your love for God—especially when you’re dealing with the harder doctrines of the…

  • Nooma was cool, but…

    You may have already heard of the controversy stirred by the promotion of Rob Bell’s new book “Love Wins”. Several bloggers have weighed in fairly quickly given the promotional video and book description that places it clearly in the realm of universalism. This raises a question for those of us who have used Nooma videos.…

  • Christians cannot adopt or foster in the UK

    Last year, some friends of mine decided to move from England to the USA because they felt the conviction that God wanted them to adopt a child. After going through the adoption process in the UK, they found that they were not eligible to adopt because they could not affirm homosexuality. Their stated position was…

  • Black Swan and modern girls sexuality

    A blog post worth reading. written by a lady who is a real thinker… Now you may think that this is just a Hollywood movie, but the ideas about female sexuality it promotes are dangerous, and becoming more and more pervasive. Today, young women are inundated with the idea that they need to explore and…

  • Conference Messages

    Desiring God’s 2010 Conference messages are all online (probably have been for a good while actually) and there are some great speakers in the mix with interesting topics. You can listen or watch online or download.

  • Real Persecution

    Worth discussing with your youth group… On the evening of Sunday 13 February, an estimated 45 Christians were temporarily detained overnight by the Iranian authorities in various towns and cities, including at least five people who were held in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison. At least one woman was detained in Mashad, while two men were…


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