Month: February 2011

  • Thought provoking in the age we live in…

  • Convention Report

    I shared a few thoughts at diocesan convention this year… (audio) I would like to share briefly with you on the progress we have seen over the past ten years in youth ministry in this diocese. By progress I am not going into details like the 700+ students we are reaching through our events, the…

  • Ashley Null

    I posted this link before but since he was at Fusion and so many of you spoke so highly of our time that day, I thought I would post it again. This page has the audio files of the Rooted Conference in which Ashley gave three talks.

  • Little Girls Gone Wild

    Not to start a trend here, but in a not unrelated bit of news, RedBook posted an article that says a lot about the generation that are not yet teens, specifically the girls. Someone needs to address this in your church (with parents) Push-up bras, pedicures, hip-hop dance classes: These are now the social currency…

  • Ga-Ga was Born This Way

    Walt Mueller posted a good piece on the latest song by the Lady. I strongly suggest anyone in youth ministry read this and do something with it!!! I think that the release of this song marks a watershed moment in our understanding of who we are and where we’re going as a culture. That’s why…

  • Is it okay to want Christianity to be cool?

    A few years ago I was speaking to a group of students on a parish weekend and brought along Drew Miller to lead some worship music. On the sunday, after dropping Drew back at his dormitory, I noticed a poster on the wall as I headed out of the building. It caught my eye because…

  • Praying with the ancients

    During my sabbatical two years ago, I started a “project” that I hoped I would have continued on for a long while. Reality though is that I do better at sticking to bad habits than forming good ones. What I started was rewriting ancient prayers in a way to make them mine and thereby enrich…

  • How Important Is the Bible?

    Justin Taylor’s blog at The Gospel Coalition posted this last month and I thought it worth a look.ohn Piper suggests five questions you can ask of anything to determine its importance: What would happen if it did not exist?What would you give to have it or keep it?What does it make possible?How does it weather…

  • Teen Role Models: Who They Are, Why They Matter

    A study conducted by Barna Group among a national sample of teenagers gives new insight into whom teens select as their role models and why those individuals captured their attention.

  • Very interesting…. I can resonate with this desire!

    What do you most want in a church? from 9Marks on Vimeo.


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